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Photograph of Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Slice with Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt

Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Slice with Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt

Crispy, chocolatey, chunks of sweet, delicious peanut butter heaven! A gloriously decadent treat, light as a feather and seriously addictive. Brown butter and peanut butter come together with rice crispy cereal to create a wonderful crunchy base, topped with bitter, sweet dark chocolate and flecks of sea salt. Utterly addictive and exceptionally easy to make, these treats use store cupboard ingredients and require no baking. If you love chocolate and peanut butter, I guarantee you will love these!

Makes 16 - 25

Course afternoon tea, Morning Coffee, treat
Keyword Brown butter, Chocolate, peanut butter, rice crispy cereal
Prep Time 10 minutes
Author Susan



  • 50g unsalted butter
  • 180g smooth, shop bought peanut butter. I use Sunpat
  • 180g golden syrup
  • 80g soft brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract/paste
  • ¼ teaspoon fine salt
  • 160g – 180g rice crispy cereal


  • 250g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa solids
  • 20g smooth peanut butter
  • sea salt, to taste


  1. Collect together your equipment (see Recipe Notes below) and ingredients.

  2. Base: line a 20cm/8in square tin with baking parchment.

  3. Brown the butter: chop the butter into cubes and place in a saucepan. Heat over a moderate heat, stirring from time to time, until the butter turns brown and smells nutty. To read more about browning butter, please see here.

  4. Add the peanut butter, golden syrup, soft brown sugar, vanilla and salt. Stir to mix thoroughly and heat over a moderate temperature, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved.

  5. Add the rice crispy cereal and mix thoroughly with the peanut butter mix. Tip into the lined baking tin and flatten the surface.

  6. Topping: break the remaining chocolate into pieces (if necessary) or blitz in a food processor and then melt in a microwave or bain marie. (See Recipe Notes for details.)

  7. Add the peanut butter and beat to thoroughly mix.

  8. Spread the melted chocolate over the rice crispy and peanut butter base and sprinkle over the sea salt.

  9. Set aside for a few hours for the chocolate to harden. Slice into squares or fingers to serve.

Recipe Notes


  • kitchen scales and measuring spoons
  • large saucepan
  • microwave safe jug or bowl

Peanut Butter

I make this with Sunpat peanut butter. I have not tried it with natural peanut butter. 

Be very careful melting the chocolate. Chocolate can be very difficult to work with. You can overheat it very easily and the mixture will go grainy. When this happens, there is no way to resolve it I’m afraid!

Microwave: I give the chocolate a minute in the microwave, take it out and stir it well, then let it sit for a few minutes to see if it continues melting sufficiently to melt all the chocolate. If not, I then continue with the microwave but in 10 – 15 second bursts.

Bain Marie: if you do not have a microwave, put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of gently simmering water. Do not let the base of the bowl touch the water. Heat until the chocolate is very nearly melted then take it off the heat and take the bowl off the saucepan. Be very careful not to burn yourself as the bowl will be hot and steam will escape from the saucepan. Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes for the residual heat to melt the remainder of the mixture. Again, be careful not to over-heat.