Infused by the all wonderful flavours in chorizo and enhanced by a generous quantity of tomatoes, some extra herbs, spices, a touch of honey and balsamic vinegar, this delicious chutney is the ultimate flavour bomb. Keep a batch of this in your fridge and you have a spectacular way to add this flavour powerhouse to your plate, at the drop of a hat.
Makes around 600g of chutney
Collect together your equipment (see Recipe Notes below) and ingredients.
Pulse the chorizo in a food processor until finely chopped. Cook for 5 – 10 minutes over a moderate heat or until lightly caramelised. Remove from the pan but leave the oil behind.
Pulse the peeled onion and garlic in the food processor until finely chopped and add to the pan. Cook for 4 – 5 minutes until soft but not coloured.
Meanwhile, cover the tomatoes with boiling water. Leave for 1 – 2 minutes, drain and remove the tomato skins. Roughly chop.
Next add the thyme, paprika and chilli flakes to the pan and cook for a further 30 seconds.
Add the tomato puree and cook, stirring, for around 2 minutes. This helps to intensify the flavour and remove any bitter taste in the puree.
Blitz the skinned tomatoes in the food processor until they are completely blended. Add these to the pan with the chorizo, honey/maple syrup, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Cook, stirring from time to time, for 10 – 15 minutes or until you have thick, chutney like texture. Don’t forget that it will thicken as it cools.
Taste and adjust seasoning, if required. Transfer to a sterilised jar, cover, and when cool, store for up to 1 month in the fridge. (See Recipe Notes for details on how to sterilise jars.)
Sterilising jam jars:
Wash the jars and lids in hot water, place on a baking tray and put in a cold oven. Turn the oven on to 160°C/325°F/Gas 3 (fan 140°C) and leave the jars in the oven for 30 minutes. Turn the oven off and leave the jars inside the oven until you are ready to fill them. When adding hot chutney to the jars, it is important that the jars are also hot or the glass may shatter.