Mars Bar Rice Krispie Slice
Light, crispy, puffy Rice Krispies coated in a luscious Mars Bar chocolate caramel, topped with a thick layer of chocolate and some sea salt to balance the sweetness: these Mars Bar Rice Krispie Slices are an addictive flavour and texture bomb.

Congratulations Louisa!
I made this particular batch for Charlotte’s gorgeous friend, Louisa. They boarded at school together for seven years; their friendship has survived GCSEs, A levels and undergraduate university degrees and everything glorious teenage years throw at you. Last week the girls were celebrating before Louisa embarks on the next stage of her life: going back to university to start work on her PhD! It is such an incredible achievement and wonderful opportunity and they partied into the small hours!

I have made these for Louisa many times over the years. They are one of her absolute favourites – and I felt that such an auspicious occasion wouldn’t be complete without them! After testing a couple (to make sure they were up to scratch!), the girls sealed them in a box and hid them, to make sure they weren’t stolen, whilst out dancing. This was my idea, I don’t trust myself! Seriously, they are that good!

Could chocolate make you clever?
So I am now documenting the recipe so Louisa can make them for herself whilst she is away. Nothing like a crispy, crunchy, chewy, sweet treat, loaded with caramel and chocolate to stimulate intellectual activity!
And if you don’t believe me, read on. After learning that cocoa is good for you, Frank Messerli, from Columbia University, looked at the link between chocolate and intelligence. There were many findings but three facts struck me –
- Rats live longer and have better cognitive function if chocolate is part of their diet.
- Regular chocolate intake improves the mental function in elderly patients who had previously been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment.
- The country with the highest number of Nobel Prize winners per capita is Switzerland. The country with the highest consumption of chocolate is, you guessed it, Switzerland!
So there you have it. Chocolate makes you clever! The results were published in the New England Journal of Medicine and I read it on the BBC website, so it must be true!

How to make Mars Bar Rice Krispie Slice
When I first started making these, the normal Mars Bar weighed 58g. The ones I buy now weigh 51g. So instead of 4 bars, I have to buy 5 bars. The advantage of this, is that there is a small cook’s treat!

Collect all your ingredients together and line the baking tin:
A 20cm/8inch or 23cm/9inch square tin is best for these slices.
- Sit the tin on greaseproof paper making sure the paper is large enough to line the tin, come up the sides and have a little overhang.
- Cut out the corners of the paper so it will fit easily into the tin
- Fold the paper from corner to corner so the size of the centre of the paper matches the base of the tin. Slot inside the tin.
Slice ingredients :
- Mars Bars
- unsalted utter
- golden syrup
- Rice Krispies
- salt
- milk chocolate
- sea salt for sprinkling on top

How to make these luscious and quick slices:
- Cut the Mars Bars into small pieces and put in a microwaveable large bowl.
- Add the butter, golden syrup and salt to the bowl.
- Microwave for a minute and mix very well. Microwave for a further 15 – 30 seconds and mix like mad until the mixture is very smooth. I like to use a balloon whisk. If it is still not fully melted, microwave again but in 10 second bursts. Be careful not to overcook the mix – if you do this it will seize, become clumpy and it is basically ruined! Alternatively, heat in a saucepan over a low heat, stirring very regularly.
- When the mixture is smooth, add sufficient Rice Krispies to coat – they should be covered in the mixture but not too gooey. I add the Rice Krispies in stages – generally in thirds. Fold carefully so you do not crush the Rice Krispies.
- Transfer to the prepared baking dish and press down with a spoon to compact the Rice Krispies and make a nice even surface.
Ingredients 1 Cut Mars Bars into small pieces 2 Add butter, golden syrup and salt 3 Microwave to melt Stir well. Mix like mad 4 When smooth, add Rice Krispies to coat .. I add the Rice Krispies in thirds Mixing well in between each addition. – they should be covered in the mixture but not too gooey. 5 Transfer to baking dish and … … make a nice even surface.
Top with chocolate
- Break the chocolate into a microwave safe bowl or jug. Carefully melt in the microwave and spread over the rice crispy mixture. (See Recipe Notes.)
- Sprinkle some sea salt, to taste, where you imagine the centre of each slice will be.
- Set aside to cool and give the chocolate time to harden and set. You can pop it in the fridge to speed up the process. Cut into 16 squares – or 9 if you have a very sweet tooth!
- I prefer these stored and served at room temperature. However, if you like to eat your chocolate directly out of the fridge, or you live in a hot climate, store and eat directly from the fridge!
1 Break chocolate into bowl or jug. Carefully melt in microwave and … … spread over Rice Krispie mixture. 2 Add sea salt 3 Cool and slice

Made this recipe?
If you make this recipe, do please tag me on instagram @daffodil_kitchen. You could also leave a comment in the box directly below the recipe.
Mars Bar Rice Krispie Slice
Light, crispy, puffy Rice Krispies coated in a luscious Mars Bar chocolate caramel, topped with a thick layer of chocolate with some sea salt to balance the sweetness, these Mars Bar Rice Krispie Slices are an addictive flavour and texture bomb.
Makes 9 or 16
- 240g Mars Bars – I used 5 bars which weighed 51g each plus small cook's treat!
- 100g unsalted utter
- 40g/2 tablespoons golden syrup
- 85g – 100g Rice Krispies
- ¼ teaspoon fine salt
- 250g – 300g milk chocolate, depending how thick you like the top layer. I used 300g
- sea salt for sprinkling on top
Collect together your equipment (see Recipe Notes below) and ingredients.
Make the Rice Krispy Base: cut the Mars Bars into small pieces and put in a microwave-safe large bowl.
Add the butter, golden syrup and salt to the bowl.
Microwave for a minute and mix very well. Microwave for a further 15 – 30 seconds and mix like mad until the mixture is very smooth. I like to use a balloon whisk. If it is still not fully melted, microwave again but in 10 second bursts. Be careful not to overcook the mix – if you do this it will seize, become clumpy and it is basically ruined! Alternatively, heat in a saucepan over a low heat, stirring very regularly.
When the mixture is smooth, add sufficient Rice Krispies to coat – they should be covered in the mixture but not too gooey. I add the Rice Krispies in stages – generally in thirds. Fold carefully so you do not crush the Rice Krispies.
Transfer to the prepared baking dish and press down with a spoon to compact the Rice Krispies and make a nice even surface.
Top with chocolate: break the chocolate into a microwave safe bowl or jug. Carefully melt in the microwave and spread over the Rice Krispy mixture. (See Recipe Notes.)
Sprinkle some sea salt, to taste, where you imagine the centre of each slice will be.
Set aside to cool and give the chocolate time to harden and set. You can pop it in the fridge to speed up the process. Cut into 16 squares – or 9 if you have a very sweet tooth!
I prefer these stored and served at room temperature. However, if you like to eat your chocolate directly out of the fridge, or you live in a hot climate, store and eat directly from the fridge!
Recipe Notes
- kitchen scales and measuring spoons
- large microwave safe bowl or saucepan to make the base
- 20cm/8inch square or 23cm/9inch baking tin lined with baking parchment (I use a 20cm pan)
- microwave safe jug or heatproof bowl to melt the chocolate
Be very careful melting the chocolate. Chocolate can be very difficult to work with. You can overheat it very easily and the mixture will go grainy. When this happens, there is no way to resolve it I’m afraid!
Microwave: I give the chocolate a minute in the microwave, take it out and stir it well, then let it sit for a few minutes to see if it continues melting sufficiently to melt all the chocolate. If not, I then continue with the microwave but in 10 – 15 second bursts.
Bain Marie: if you do not have a microwave, put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of gently simmering water. Do not let the base of the bowl touch the water. Heat until the chocolate is very nearly melted then take it off the heat and take the bowl off the saucepan. Be very careful not to burn yourself as the bowl will be hot and steam will escape from the saucepan. Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes for the residual heat to melt the remainder of the chocolate. Again, be careful not to over-heat.
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