Bratwurst Roll and Pumpkin Spice Swirl
In need of a quick treat? A speedy lunch? Some nibbles whilst you watch the football? These recipes are incredibly quick, unbelievably tasty and made in a jiffy!
Both these recipes use a Jus Roll tin of croissants. I had only one tin in the fridge and was making lunch for just Charlotte and me so I divided and used it to make both treats – however, it is very easy to scale up should you need extras!
How to make Bratwurst Rolls
Delicious hot bratwurst sausage cooked in moist, fluffy, buttery and slightly sweet bread and served with mustard and ketchup. Delicious eaten hot.
Collect all your ingredients together:
- Jus Roll tin of croissants
- Bratwurst
- 1 teaspoon milk
- sesame seeds

- 1 Unroll the croissant dough. Divide into 3 rectangles. Allow 1 rectangle per sausage.
- Use your fingers to join the break in the dough
- You can make a large Bratwurst roll or 2 smaller ones per rectangle of dough. To make a large one, make a small incision the centre of the sausage to enable you to straighten it a little.
- Place the sausage at the end of the dough rectangle.
- Roll the dough around the sausage.
- Seal the join with a fork.
- For 2 small rolls, simply halve the pastry and the sausage, roll up and seal the joins.
- Transfer to a baking parchment lined baking tray and if desired, brush with milk and shake over some sesame seeds.
Ingredients 1 Unroll the croissant dough. Divide into 3 rectangles 2 Use your fingers to join the break in the dough 3 Make a small incision the centre of the sausage 4 Place the sausage at the end of the dough rectangle 5 Roll the dough around the sausage 6 Seal the join with a fork 7 For 2 small rolls simply halve the pastry and the sausage, roll up and seal the joins. 8 Transfer to a baking tray… … if desired brush with milk… …and scatter with sesame seeds.
Preheat oven to Fan Oven 160°C/180°C/350°F/Gas 4 and cook for 15 minutes. Serve with ketchup and either Senf or Dijon mustard.

How to make Pumpkin Spice Swirl
Delicious soft and fluffy, buttery, sweet bread swirled with pumpkin spice butter and sprinkled with more spice and sugar. Delicious and addictive, eat whilst warm.
Collect all your ingredients together:
- One rectangle from a tin of Jus Roll tin of croissants
- Per rectangle of dough you will make 6 mini swirls and need spice butter, sugar syrup and spice sugar.
- For the spice butter you will need:
- 30g unsalted butter
- 2 teaspoons light brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon pumpkin spice or cinnamon
- For the sugar syrup you will need 1 teaspoon light brown sugar and 1 teaspoon boiling water
- You will also need ½ teaspoon of pumpkin or cinnamon spice mixed with ½ teaspoon brown sugar

- First, mix the butter with the light brown sugar and pumpkin or cinnamon spice
- Spread these over the rectangle, coming right to the edges
- If you like salt, grind over some sea salt
- Roll up the dough and seal the join with a fork
- Slice into 6 mini swirls and place on a baking parchment lined baking tray – I lay them joins together to help them keep shape and to stop them unravelling whilst they cook.
1 Mix the butter with the light brown sugar and spice 2 Spread these over the rectangle, coming right to the edges 3 If you like salt, grind over sone sea salt 4 Roll up the dough…. ….and seal the join with a fork 5 Slice into 6 mini swirls
Preheat oven to Fan Oven 160°C/180°C/350°F/Gas 4 and cook for 15 minutes. As they cook, make the sugar syrup and sugar and spice mix.
- For the sugar syrup, mix 1 teaspoon boiling water with 1 teaspoon soft brown sugar.
- For the sugar and spice mix, stir together ½ teaspoon of pumpkin spice mix or cinnamon with ½ teaspoon soft brown sugar.
- Brush the cooked swirls with the sugar syrup
- Sprinkle over the sugar and spice and eat whilst warm. Oh yum!
1 Mix the boiling water and soft brown sugar 2 Stir together the soft brown sugar and spice 3 Brush cooked swirls with sugar syrup 4 Sprinkle over the sugar and spice mix 5 Eat whilst warm Oh yum!
Made these recipes?
If you make these recipes, do please tag me on instagram @daffodil_kitchen. You could also leave a comment in the box directly below the recipe.
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